Geochemistry-of-hydrothermal-ore-deposits-pdf >
At a first approximation this sequence reflects the variable solubilities of these metals at progressively lower temperatures and could be seen as a paragenetic sequence. Given ample time and proper mechanisms, magma degassing can release enough ore-forming elements to form economic deposits. Another representative case is the Ladolam gold deposit in Papua New Guinea with 1300 t Au (Simmons and Brown, 2006), which is located in the center of an extinct volcano on Lihir Island that formed 400,000 years ago. Some suggestions: Go back to the last page Go to the home page .. During the reaction between ore-bearing hydrothermal fluids and wall-rocks, some elements are concentrated in specific locations to form hydrothermal ore deposits. Sorry! We could not find what you were looking for :( Don't worry, we will help you get to the right place.
The phase boundaries are schematically constrained.Modified from Seedorff etal., 2004.Figure optionsDownload full-size imageDownload as PowerPoint slideThe salinity and temperature of ore-forming fluids have wide ranges. The development of this zonation reflects the evolution of fluids and the growth mechanism of the massive sulfide mound with time. Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. Gold tends to be concentrated in the vapor phase of fluids at high temperatures and pressures. ScienceDirect is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V.RELX Group Recommended articles No articles found. Hydrothermal fluids forming epithermal gold deposits are Au-saturated in most cases, whereas fluids of Carlin-type are Au-undersaturated. Although ore-forming fluids derived from magma are common, hydrothermal systems without distinct affinities to magmatic activity can also result in the formation of large hydrothermal ore deposits (e.g., Au, Ag, Pd, Zn, Sb, Hg, etc.).A significant portion of the world’s natural gold endowment comes from hydrothermal ore deposits (Frimmel, 2008). Help Direct export Export file RIS(for EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite) BibTeX Text RefWorks Direct Export Content Citation Only Citation and Abstract Advanced search JavaScript is disabled on your browser.
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